Southwest Welcomes Jessica Busse
July 16, 2022
On July 8th, Southwest staff announced the employment of a new assistant principal, Jessica Busse.
The official statement from the new Southwest principal, Ed Bennett, was sent on July 8th, saying “Congratulations to Jessica Busse, new assistant principal at Southwest. Jessica comes to us most recently from St. Louis Park High school, where she served as an assistant principal. When asked what she would like to share with the Southwest staff, she replied, “I believe in relationships and loving accountability. I can’t wait to be part of the Southwest team and reconnect with students I knew as elementary students. I am the mom of two energetic boys and have a fabulous husband that supports all of our dreams.” We are thrilled to welcome Jessica to Southwest and to our administrative team”
The massive overhaul of administrative staff comes after a particularly tumultuous time within the Minneapolis Public Schools district, with the superintendent position being replaced for the 2022-23 school year.