WE’RE HIRING: Navigator Staff!

Navigator Staff

The Navigator staff is in search of new writers for the 2022-2023 school year.

The newspaper is a fantastic extracurricular and way to engage with the Southwest community and journalism as a whole. Between behind-the-scenes access to key events at Southwest and opportunities to interview key people in the laker community, there’s something for everyone on the team.

The staff is looking for writers, photographers, web editors, graphic designers, and people excited about activism, press, and writing.

Some opportunities the paper offers is trips to visit other school papers, keynote speakers from local papers, access to a national organization, and plenty of space to take on leadership roles. If any of this or more interests you, please fill out the form below, or email [email protected]

Join the Navigator team slack to be in communication with staff on meetings, stories, ledes, and how to submit work. https://join.slack.com/t/southwestnavigator/shared_invite/zt-1fn1b62pt-SChI64Ihg4W_N9g0yFf7MQ (link valid through October 4th)

Interest form: https://forms.gle/uC3oA4i5Ds6F4ECL6