An Evening of Art, Music, and Coffee

AP Art Show at Jones Coffee

Jones Coffee hosts Southwest Art Exhibition, December 8th

Maddie Tatum, Featured Writer

Student work on display, photo credit: Maddie Tatum

This past Thursday, December 8th, at the Jones Coffee in Linden Hills, from 5-7pm, AP students had the opportunity to display artwork in a showcase Southwest students, family and community members were invited to. Each student had a number of works ranging from two to a collection of twenty or so small pieces on display. Viewers moved around the space getting the chance to read more about the work as well as student’s inspirations and influences. A live DJ at the shop mixed music from artists like Noname with Frank Ocean with Amy Winehouse and more, creating the perfect gallery vibe and ambiance. Shop tables were spaced and made room for a group of students to socialize and groove. Art show attendees carried around mugs of sweet, warm winter drinks, often seen topped with whipped cream.

The members of the Siren Arts Magazine were also at the show, selling Spring editions and taking pre-orders for the upcoming winter edition of the student-produced and art-filled publication. The pre-order link is now accessible to anyone and can be found on the Siren website as well as in their Instagram bio @southwest.siren.

Alicia Moore ‘23, Esme Michaelson ‘26, and Sophie Jorgenson ‘24 tabling for the Southwest Siren
Art exhibition of Fynn Schulte

As someone who had work featured in the show, it was such a happy experience, after the pandemic made showcasing and having conversations about peer work much less possible. This show was all made possible by art teacher Ms.McDonald, new to Southwest this year. Us students are very thankful for the fun opportunity to practice exhibiting work and celebrating our work so far this year. 

The show is set to stay up for about a month, so there is still time to see student art while put up at the shop. Though unconfirmed, there is rumored to be work put up at the Xerxes location soon as well. More updates on that soon.



Southwest Artists on Display!

Fynn Schulte 

Maddie Tatum

Jade Patterson 

Eleanor Fink

Luisa Schleisman 

Maya Pampuch 

Ruby Cristman 

Holly O’Keane

Mara Glover

Sarah LaBarre

Diego Moreno

Vinny Pacheco 

Ajah Heikes 

Vivi Jackson 

Neha Sharma