SW Football Season Ends at Cooper
November 8, 2021
Over Halloween weekend, our southwest laker football team took on what few could imagine- the first seed in the division, Cooper High School.
The Lakers were down 21 by the end of the first quarter, with a few close attempts at stopping touchdowns. It was action-packed, and tense as the Cooper band continually cheered and played victoriously.
The bulk of the pain of this game came from the sheer numbers at the start of the game. Cooper’s defense was merciless, despite every effort made by Southwest.
2nd quarter brought a handful of beautiful tackles in the end zone, which prevented Cooper from scoring some more early touchdowns. A highlight Southwest touchdown and field goal at the 7-minute mark livened up the Southwest spirit. This didn’t prevent two Cooper touchdowns and field goals upping the score to a mean 42-7.
The halftime show was brought to the Cooper student section by the Hawks band, with a full marching procession and a number of impressive choreographies to match their music.
The southwest student section was small but certainly packed full of families eagerly watching their children on the field.
Quarter three was a painful one. Our Lakers let no points go, either way. With multiple stops in the Laker end zone, there was a sheer show of power in the Cooper defense.
Finally, quarter four brought us our last Laker and last Cooper touchdowns of the night, leaving us at a final score of 49-14. The freezing cold added to the drama of the game, as Cooper went on to play their rival, Armstrong that next weekend.
While Laker football has played its last game, the team put in an all-around outstanding season, and we’ll excitedly await the return of football games at the swamp next fall!